Archive: Registry based custom page display..

Registry based custom page display..

I need to display a custom page,based on the users System registry.

1)User installs my application by entering username and password(which is stored to System registry) within the custom page, I have created.
2)User want to use my application, which requires the installation CD to be inserted to run the application.
This time the user should not see the custom page asking for the Username and Password.

In short I want somthing like this:

${If} $0 = "" ;If Registry is blank show custom page
Page custom showCustomPage "" ": User name and password"

Please let me know if it is possible.

Thanks in advance.

Call Abort in the custom page function to skip the page.

Hi kichik,

Thanks for your reply,
I have a small query further.
The custom page is also a "LAST" page in the installation.

In case I use the abort on LAST page, The page PREVIOUS to the LAST page should have the close button.

How to do this functionality?

Sequence of Setup pages
Welcome page
License agreement page
confirmation page(this page becomes LAST, incase we abort the next page)
username & password page(custom page, which needs to be ABORTED)

Thanks once again.