Custom Page refreshes slow
I got an interesting one for you. I am running a sql script that query's a record in a table located by default in the master database. I pop the response back to see if it was successful. This is used to verify that SQL is install and running. (This does work well for me but If anyone knows a better way to do this please inform). The sa password and sql server name is retrieved from the user using a custom page. Once the user leaves that page the sql script is ran using a function called componentsLeave:
nsExec::ExecToStack "$SYSDIR\cmd.exe /c osql.exe /c -U $SqlUser -P $SqlPass -S $SQLSVR -i \ $PLUGINSDIR\SqlTest.sql"
Pop $0
${If} $0 = 1
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to connect to SQL Server. Please check the username and$\npassword, or \ verify that SQL Server is working properly."
The problem is that the page seems to freeze or become stuck for sometimes up to a minute. If the user clicks away from the installer and then clicks agian on the installer, the page refreshes faster. Kind of weird. Any ideas?