Archive: Declare variables with /global flag

Declare variables with /global flag
Hi NSIS coders,

I started declaring variables right in the functions where I am using them afterwards. Those functions are written down below the sections, where I use those variables as well. The whole installer consists of one .nsi file.

Actually NSIS reports some warnings (unknown variable/constant detected). This is confusing. Is this allowed or not? My understanding of a GLOBAL flag would lead to no warnings. Am I right???


section -main sec_idx

${If} $var1 = 1


function foo

var /GLOBAL var1

ReadRegStr var1 HKCU ...


Re: Declare variables with /global flag
Sorry that I am not answering your question, but your sample code has errors.

Originally posted by saschagottfried
${If} $var1 = 1
You have to use double equals "==" otherwise you just assigned $var1 to "1" (I think?)
ReadRegStr var1 HKCU ...
$var1 not var1

CrushBug I think you should read the comments in the LogicLib.nsh file.

Just use Var without /global at the top of your script.


It generates a warning because if you have a function/section/etc. that uses the variable before the function that declares it, it is unknown and will be an error.

Originally posted by Afrow UK
[B]CrushBug I think you should read the comments in the LogicLib.nsh file.
Yeah, that was why I through in the last minute "I think" in there. Its a coding standard here to use == since most of the other programmers are C programmers. It screws them up to see only 1 = :)