Archive: execute a Installshield setup.exe - No Errorflag

execute a Installshield setup.exe - No Errorflag
I wrote a nsis script that launch an Installshield setup.exe. Here is the code snippet:

ExecWait '"setup.exe"' $0
; Debug

The Installshield Setup installs a vpn client. The Problem is, if the user cancel the installshield setup or has no admin rights, nsis gets no errorflag from the installshield setup.

What do I wrong? Or it there another solution for this problem?

Thanks in Advance,


Hi schibulski,

As far as I know all installShilds run on two processes.
This is why you do not get any error flag from the installShild setup exes.

Unattended has a great resource on running installers silently in a manner which will get you the result.