Archive: /D switch and application Name

/D switch and application Name

i used to set /DOutFile="[path]/setup.exe" at compilation time to set path of application.
I wanted to add another /D switch like :

makensis /V2 /DOutFile="..\Dist\pdc\setup.exe" /DInstallProdName="MyNewApp" setup.nsi

and in the setup.nsi :

!ifndef InstallProdName
!define InstallProdName
Name ${InstallProdName}
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_FRENCH} ProductName ${InstallProdName}
!ifndef OutFile
!define OutFile "setup.exe"

But it doesn't work (but Outfile variable works), it always take "MyOldApp" as if InstallProdName was never defined.
is it possible to define these variables at compile time ?

Quote ${InstallProdName}

Name "${InstallProdName}"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_FRENCH} ProductName "${InstallProdName}"

Re: /D switch and application Name
Well, i wanted to delete that post beacause my code worked but my build procedure was bugged. By the way you gave me a important clue because i forgot to use quotes for my variable !

Originally posted by fluidz91

i used to set /DOutFile="[path]/setup.exe" at compilation time to set path of application.
I wanted to add another /D switch like :

makensis /V2 /DOutFile="..\Dist\pdc\setup.exe" /DInstallProdName="MyNewApp" setup.nsi

and in the setup.nsi :

!ifndef InstallProdName
!define InstallProdName
Name ${InstallProdName}
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_FRENCH} ProductName ${InstallProdName}
!ifndef OutFile
!define OutFile "setup.exe"

But it doesn't work (but Outfile variable works), it always take "MyOldApp" as if InstallProdName was never defined.
is it possible to define these variables at compile time ?