Archive: how to avoid adding product name to the end of the path

how to avoid adding product name to the end of the path
I have my product name attached to the path when using browse button to choose folder to install to. Found the note below but can't find a way of using it im my installer. Very new to NSIS. Attached is my .nsi file. Hints?

Function .onInit
; Must set $INSTDIR here to avoid adding ${MUI_PRODUCT} to the end of the
; path when user selects a new directory using the 'Browse' button.

Thank you, Varn

You will probably need to use InstallDir with a backslash at the end of the path:


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Jason: The suggestion took care of the Product name at the end of the path. Thnaks! However, the data continues to be installed in the original folder, not the one chosen with the Browse button. I am attaching my .nis file if you care to view it.
Thank you, Vern

You set the output path to a very specific directory and not the directory the user chose with:

You should use:

Fellow NSIS travelers: I love it. The response has been swift and terrific. Problem solved! Who would have thunk it in such short order. Needless to say, many many thanks.