Archive: Files and registry entries dependent from Windows ver

Files and registry entries dependent from Windows ver
Hi, I want to write an installer which can install different files and registry entries dependent from windows version. I know how to display/check Windows version, but completely don't know where to put the if's code to do what I want. Can someone help me with it?

This depends on how you are checking the version. If you are using the "Get Windows version" function from the documentation, for example, you could do the following:

${If} $variable == "XP"
;code gets executed if Windows XP is installed.
${ElseIf} $variable == "2003"
;code gets executed if any other Windows version is installed.

or use the variant:

${Switch} $variable
${Case} "XP"
;code gets executed if Windows XP is installed.
${Case} "2003"
;code gets executed if any other Windows version is installed.

If you are checking the exact version (unlikely), you could use the ${VersionCompare} instruction macro from the WordFunc.nsh header file; as indicated in the documentation.

Thanks. So I put this example code in each section, right?

${If} $R2 == "98"
${OrIf} $R2 == "Me"
;do something
${ElseIf} $R2 == "2000"
${OrIf} $R2 == "XP"
${OrIf} $R2 == "2003"
;do something

You can use the new WinVer.nsh header file in 2.21. With it, you won't need to update the code every time a new version of Windows comes out.

!include WinVer.nsh

${If} ${IsNT}
${If} ${AtLeastWin2000}
# do something
${If} ${AtLeastWin98}
# do something

Thanks, and what with the second question? Simply in each section create os version corresponded conditional statements and it will work?

Yeah, that should work.