Archive: How do you display a ReadMe.txt file in a page that is not a license page?

How do you display a ReadMe.txt file in a page that is not a license page?
I am trying to create a page that will display a ReadMe.txt that only requires the user to press Back or Next. I do not wish this page to have any type of license acceptance on it. I need this page to be displayed after the license page has been agreed to. How can I do this?

Thank you for your help.

Either create a custom page or another license page with different texts on it. There isn't a string on the installer that you can't change. To get you started, MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_TOP changes the text on the top of the license page. All of the other settings can be found in the MUI readme.

Hello Kichik,
Thank you for the quick replay.
Is there a way to have a license page without a “I Agree” button?

As I said, if you can see it, you can change it. As the MUI readme says, MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BUTTON changes the button text.

But is there a way to get rid of the button all together? Does that mean that if I enter a null string that the button will not be displayed?
Once again, thank you for your help.

How will the user advance to the next page with a Next button? You can get rid of it using GetDlgItem and ShowWindow, but that makes no sense.

I am sorry I am not making sense. I will try again.
I am going to have a license page that will display a ReadMe.txt to which the user will have to accept. The next page will display a second ReadMe2.text that will be purely informational. No need to accept anything. It will say things like make sure you do X, Y and Z. To this page, I simply want the user to select Next to go on to a customer information page.
Once again, I am sorry I am not being clear. I will look into the GetDlgItem and ShowWindow.

GetDlgItem and ShowWindow is for hiding the button. You don't want to hide the button. You want to use MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BUTTON as I said earlier.

Thank you kichik. I am starting to see what you are saying and what I am doing wrong and why I did not understand. I was using the traditional Page license to display my license ReadMe.txt and I was using MUI_PAGE_LICENSE to display my informational ReadMe2.txt. I was using LicenseForceSelection radiobuttons in the Page license and this was causing the radio buttons to be displayed in MUI_PAGE_LICENSE page. I tried to use !undef MUI_LICENSEPAGE_RADIOBUTTONS to get rid of the radio buttons, but the compiler complained that MUI_LICENSEPAGE_RADIOBUTTONS was not defined.

I think I have resolved this by doing what was intended by using 2 MUI_PAGE_LICENSE pages.

My question now is now do I get rid of the line that says “License Agreement Please review the…” that is at the top of the license page? I want this displayed on my first license page, but not on the second. (because the second page I am not using as a license page) I see that I can change the MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_BOTTOM, but this will not affect this License Agreement line. I tried to redefine MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_TITLE, but that did not have an affect. I know you are suppose to be able to change this line, but how?

Thank you for your help.

Excuse me, but if this is only informational text, why you don't try to use custom page with textbox and read content of this file into it? I think I've seen example about it somewhere in forum or wiki.

All of the configurable texts are explained in the MUI readme. Aside from the white title, which has the same define name for every page, all of the license related defines are located in the same block. Is there any specific string for which you couldn't find the define name?

I am trying to change the string that is close to the top of the License page that says “License Agreement” and the string just below it that says “Please review the license terms before installing xxxx” were xxxx is the name of the installer.
I tried to change MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_TITLE and MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_SUBTITLE because, but that did not work.


If you're talking about the white title, as I've said on the last reply, it's under a different name. Use MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT.

As you have seen from my previous posts, I seldom know what I am talking about.:igor: I saw the reference to the white title, but I was not sure exactly what it was. I will try to change MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT and see what happens.


That’s It (Lucy shouted as Linus was sent hurling from behind the piano). Thank you so very much.
Now how do I change the line right below it that reads “Please review the license terms before installing xxxx” were xxxx is the name of the installer?