Archive: File process on Windows Vista = KO

File process on Windows Vista = KO
I am using last version of NSIS (v2.21|October 20, 2006), normally Vista compatible but I encounter a big problem for putting dlls in a subdirectory of Windir.
Process in NSIS indicates that's OK but there's not files installed on it.


Some lines of my script :
SetOutPath "$WINDIR\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Networking.RtcRes_6595b64144ccf1df_5.2.1002.3_x-ww_88ef1b2a\"
SetShellVarContext "all"
SetOverwrite ifdiff
File "RTCdlls\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Networking.RtcRes_6595b64144ccf1df_5.2.1002.3_x-ww_88ef1b2a\rtcres.dll"

NSIS process in progress installation I can see that file copy process is "Passed"
I am french and it is written :
"Passé : x86_Microsoft.Windows.Networking.RtcRes_6595b64144ccf1df_5.2..."

Is this problem known ?
Do you have any solutions ?
May I have to modif something in my script?



Are you sure the files really have a different date? Are you sure that file isn't in use? Why don't you use the Library macros replace it?

Are you sure it's even replaceable? WinSxS is the directory for side-by-side assemblies.

I am absolutely sure.
That process run on Windows XP but not on Windows Vista.
I need to install Microsoft RTC API.
There is no dlls of this API installed before running my NSIS setup.
I am not in a replace mode but in real install mode.



How come it says it skipped x86_Microsoft.Windows.Networkin... and not rtcres.dll? It should only print the filename. Maybe the filename is wrong somehow?

Also, once again, are you sure it's even possible to put files there? They may have installed stronger enforcements on that directory. Until now, you couldn't/shouldn't replace those files. Maybe now, you can't even put them without Microsoft's installer.

That's right!
Manually, I can't put any files to this directory.
So, thanks to NSIS Intallation, I couldn't do more than it.

In progression process of the installation, I think that is printed is wrong.
File is not copied to this folder.
So that is printed must show that is not passed.

Could you resolve it?



I'll go back to you after having a right answer from Microsoft Forum for knowing if it is possible or not to write by installation to this folder :



The answer you'd probably get is that you should use their original installer. Execute it in a silent mode. Unattended has a complete page describing how to make all sorts of installers silent.

It is not possible with original msi installer to install RTC API files on Windows Vista.

I have posted on their newsgroup "microsoft.public.win32.programmer.rtc"
a method that one person seem to have done for installing those files on Windows Vista.

I am expecting their reply on it.

