Archive: CreateShortCut Compile Error when using User Variables

CreateShortCut Compile Error when using User Variables
I'm having an issue when trying to create a short cut. I'm using this function to split the contents of HKCR "HTTP\DefaultIcon". The output is then being used in the CreateShortCut function. My code is below:

ReadRegStr $0 HKCR "HTTP\DefaultIcon" ""
Push ","
Push $0
Call SplitFirstStrPart
Pop $R0 ; Contains path to default browser
Pop $R1 ; Contains icon index

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MyApp\My Link.lnk" "http://localhost/" "" $R0 $R1

Used in this way, NSIS throws an error when it gets to this line. However, if I take out $R1 and replace it with a number then the compile is successful. Ex.

This works:

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MyApp\My Link.lnk" "http://localhost/" "" $R0 1

Just to check that $R1 does in fact contain the icon index I put the output in a message box and it was correct. I'm stumped on this one. I've tried everything I can think of. I'd just leave it hardcoded to 1 if I could but the icon index for IE is 0 and for FireFox it is 1. I don't know what it is for Opera, etc. and that's why I chose to use the DefaultIcon string from the registry.

Any help with this would be extremely appreciated.


Hi Chris!

Due to the fact that you're about to create an internet shortcut I suggest creating an url-file. As far as I know the result of the shortcut-creation-process in the Windows Explorer is an url-file as well.

Have a look:

Have a nice day!



Thanks Bruno!

Your suggestion worked. I still think this may be a bug in the compiler and I'll put some data together and post it in the bugs db on sourceforge.

Thanks again,