Archive: how to track the progress while copying a 350 MB file ?

how to track the progress while copying a 350 MB file ?

I was using RealProgress Plugin to build my custom progressbar during my last setups. I monitored and summed up the copied filesizes and computed a percentage value in comparing the sum_Of_fileSizes to the full size of the installation. With this percentage I drove the progressbar. This was ok for my purposes.

But now I have some small files (30MB) and ONE big 350 MB file. With my last approach it would be just a big leap of almost 90 % when copying is finished. I want to show some progress steps while this single file is copied!!!

Is it possible to extend the CopyFiles command that it deliver some status information of the copy process "internals"? I have seen Process Explorer that shows how explorer.exe tracks "offset" and "length" values when I just copy a file. With those values (max length/ current offset) I can build my percentage value again.

But my main question is: Can I handle this with NSIS features??? I really hope so...would be much easier...

nope you can't. :)

I could write a plugin that shows the progress of a single file being copied, and show a dialog of the progress, if you like.

Hi Jason,

it would be very helpful, if someone will care for this topic. Best would be to keep in mind that this feature would be most helpful if it will be included in an existing progressbar plugin like RealProgress. I will think about the requirement and the scenario to extend RealProgress and will post again then. Nevertheless you can do a first start to check out the amout of work this will take. Thanks for your help.

I found out that RealProgress plugin has such a feature (RealProgress::FileProgress), but I could not get it running until now. I decompressed a huge file, but the progressbar did not moved. I will have to figure this out.

Plus, I do not know if it will work with COPYFILES too.All Examples show have FILE commands, thus files are inside the installer file.

I will post again...

Another plug-in for file extraction progress:

Sorry, my skills aren't that advanced yet. Still learning (slowly, unfortunately). Hey Afrow, You could add an option to show a second progress bar to show the file progress, like Wise installer does.