Archive: Is it possible to use variable within a symbol?

Is it possible to use variable within a symbol?

Section 'blah' sec1

Section 'blah' sec2


Function ComponentShow
${For} $R1 0 56
ReadINIStr $R0 "$PLUGINSDIR\secs.ini" "setup" "sec$R1"
SectionSetText ${sec$R1} $0

In this case, how to make ${sec$R1} work?

I don't want to directly use the counter $R1 value for the section_index parameter. Coz the index may not match the specified sections if conditional compilation is used

Hi zjckwht!

Due to the fact that you can't mix compile time with run-time instructions it is not possible.

I've created a wiki page with some explanations. Have a look:

Have a nice day!




That's exactly what I need, thanks thanks thanks for your help. Nice job.

You're welcome!

You can just specify $R1 instead of ${sec$R1}. SectionSetText requires an integer parameter which specifies the Section index. ${sec1} for example will be a constant defined with the value of 0.


Hi Stu!

Yes, that's true. But the problem is, if another section is inserted in between, the indexes will change and almost every entry of the ini-file must be changed as well. The solution of get/set-texts is not depending on indexes. Therefore it is easier to handle.

