Archive: multiple CAB install issue

multiple CAB install issue
i have a problem with my installation.

i have 3 components to install, all need to be seperate so i can update each seperately when i need to.

as the cab is copied to the device, when it finishes i get a msgbox on my pc saying to follow directions on the device screen.

however, knowing customers they will most likely press the ok button before looking at the device screen.
i want to somehow check that the component installed successfully, or wait for it to finish or something that would give me a definitive answer to whether it installed or not.

but the problem is that theres a series of msg boxes the user needs to click on the device before another cab will install.
so my installer script may think that it installed a component when it hasn't at all, its just copied the cab, and the operation on the device side hasn't completed.

I have the same issue. What I did was pop up another message box telling the user to wait till the installation has finished on the Device before continuing. Not full proof, but at least it is one more thing for them to clcik before they continue. You could also put a sleep in to delay the pop up.

One thing just came to mind though, what if we have a text file in one on the cab files. In the NSIS install package have a loop that searchs for that text file. When it finds that file, then continue? Might work.

that loop idea is a good one, but i'm not too sure. Can we search for a 'file' on a Mobile device?

but the other issue is, the installation may have finished on the device, but on some devices, the user still has to click 'ok' when the message saying the 'installation has completed successfully' pops up.
So if we used the text file, actually i tried to do a similar thing with a reg key (so it checks for the reg key once it has been installed) and it works, but the problem is, it wont install the next cab if that 'successful install' notification window hasn't been clicked. so the check doesn't make a difference, i have a feeling its not possible, i've just put the messageboxes with MB_EXCLAIMATION to try and draw some extra attention so they dont just skip it.
It shouldn't matter too much, if they just run the installer again it will install the components that failed to install last time.

- Cheers for your help