Archive: CAB Setup issues

CAB Setup issues
Well, I m create setup with CAB files i have 2 main problem
1. when DVD extracting Cabnet file it does not show how much time Remain becouse i have more then 7 GB Data for installation or Extracting its quite confusing when it extract. i want to indicate it is coping and certain time remain.

2. also want to add page before installing which shows message with radio buttons full installation or miximal installation. In full installation it copyies all file from DVD to HDD then start setup from the HDD location and in minimal it start installation from DVD

note: when user select maximal then it will also calculte HDD size.

best regards

can i ask why you want to use a CAB file?
i dont know too much about NSIS but have been using CAB files to install to Mobile Devices through ActiveSync

I'd look at the "installoptions" plugin to create the custom components page
and theres a "getsysinfo" function somewhere which could prolly give u hdd size and info like that

Sorry - back on the air after moving house and had a lot of trouble getting Internet access at my new address.

zbd - babarmoin is referring to the CABSetup plug-in, not quite the same thing as transferring CAB files to mobile devices like you are doing.

1. Showing the time remaining is not so simple to display - it is obviously needs to monitor the transfer rate at which files are extracting which will vary depending the device and the media they are coming from. I guess CABSetup could sample how much has been extracted after say 10 seconds and then guess how much longer it will take, but this could be wildly inaccurate. I will look the InetDL plugin etc for ideas.

I will consider how this might be done when I implement the Cancel function for CABSetup (the next likely feature to be implemented), since they will both involve a Windows procedure to be hooked over the NSIS one, one message to watch for the Cancel button, and one to regularly update the transfer rate.

I am not quite sure what you mean by your second question - can you please try to explain it better?
