Archive: setting a file's permissions

setting a file's permissions

I am very new to writing .nsi scripts but need to modify an existing one. I need to set a file's permissions so that it is read-only. Through some searches on this forum, I discovered the AccessControl plug-in but I must be doing something incorrect because it doesn't seem to be working. Here are some examples of what I have tried ...

AccessControl::SetOnFile \
"$INSTDIR\iTMSTransporter.woa\Contents\Resources\testFile" "Everyone" "GenericRead"

AccessControl::SetOnFile \
"$INSTDIR\iTMSTransporter.woa\Contents\Resources\testFile" "(BU)" "GenericRead"

Also, I am not even sure what trustee to use. If anyone can suggest a "default" one that all (or most) users would have, that would be great.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks kindly,

Weirdly enough, I struggle with same issue! :)
Can any of You, gurus, give us the solution?
S-1-1-0 and S-1-5-32-545 doesn't seem to work.
thanks in advance

do you really want to set file access permissions (altering the windows ACLs) or just to set the +r attribute?

Suggestion - use:

Exec "CACLS ..."

Instead. Type cacls /? to find out how to use it...

I want to alter the access permissions of a folder ($INSTDIR\keys)
Actually, I want to extend existing "Read & execute", "Read" and "List folder context" by adding "Modify" and "Write".
It is a folder to store *.pkr and *.skr files of a PKI based authentication mechanism..
If additional permissions are not granted, my application returns a "Public KeyRing update error: file operation error".
By manually granting the above mentioned permissions, everything works fine. But I want to include this feature into the patch I want to deploy, to make the application Windows Vista-ready. :)

Thanks for the cacls tip, for everybody's information, Vista uses iCACLS ...
Doesn't seem to work...
What I'm doing wrong???

Does it work if you use iCACLS manually on vista?

Possible cause is lack of privileges. You could try nsExec, and getting the results of the command back in the installer.

Yes, de utility works, but not on every folder.
Let me give a picture of the situation:
- application installed under user member of Administrators group
- folder I am having trouble with has only Read, Execute, anf List permissions
- by using iCACLS I'm unable to set the desired permission.

Only for testing purposes I created a new folder under C:\ and, By the gods!, everything work fine!

The user I'm logged in with, is member of administrator, but I think I'mentined this before...


nsExec::ExecToStack "'iCACLS' your command line options"
Pop $1
Pop $2

MessageBox MB_OK $1
MessageBox MB_OK $1

What does it say?


Thank you everyone for your replies!

After a little more research, it looks like ATTRIB is what I want to use. I do not know, though, which Windows support it. I know XP does (since that is what I tested it on) and I think NT does. Does anyone know if 2000, 98, and Vista supports ATTRIB?

Also, I guessing I can do something like this in the .nsi script ...
nsExec::ExecToStack "'ATTRIB' your command line options"
But feel free to let me know if that is wrong. :)

Thanks again,

no need for external program, just use SetFileAttributes (And ATTRIB goes back to the days of dos)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The installer now successfully sets the permissions of a file to read-only.

This worked ..
nsExec::ExecToStack '"ATTRIB" +R filename'

But this is better ...
setFileAttributes "filename" READONLY

Again, thank you everyone for your help!

Okay, just not to left the without an answer those who were kind enough to write to the topic, I managed to set permission to the desired folder.
I used AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$INSTDIR\foldername" "(S-1-5-32-545)" "GenericRead + GenericWrite + GenericExecute + Delete"
The only trick I wasn't aware is that You need bloody administrator rights to do it.
Odd thing: the user I was logged in with, had admin rights ( as a matter of fact, he was the only visible member of the Administrators group ), he wasn't able to set those permissions ( got access denied error ).
Running the installer "As Administrator" (from the context menu), everything worked as it should.
Thanks for everyone's help.

tdodge, hope You don't mind I was shoving into Your topic...

Oh goodness, no need to worry! :) I'm glad that you added more information to the thread and posted yor solution!

Take Care,

Thanks "szornyu" for posting your additional information ,really appriciated.