Archive: creating an installer that can run only once

creating an installer that can run only once

What would be the best way to create an installer that can run only once?
This installer will be downloaded so I want to use an internet validation so that it cannot be run again on another machine.

I can download and check an ini file but can I change and upload it? Or can I call a PHP script from the installer that can change an ini file or a database entry?


there is a plugin that allows for FTP uploads. You can also use your webserver with a querystring ( blabla.php?id=machine_id_here ) and parse that on the web server, etc.

That said - this is a very, very poor method of 'security' as the user can always install once, and then copy the installed files / registry entries / etc. to another machine. Consider putting/adding a layer of security in your actual application.

Also possible to delete package at the end of install ;)

I do not think this is a feasable protection. But hey surprise me ;)

Also keep in mind one can run an application on a Virtual Machine over and over again... E.g. disallow the process to run in the end of download, than snapshot your VM, thus multiple runs are always possible IMHO.