Archive: Clicking a check box

Clicking a check box
Is there any way we could click a check box automatically and install a program silently without the prompting anything to the user in the background? I am quite new to this installer and dun understand some of the code. Is it ok to ask in here. thanks.

hi, sorry. actually, its a radiobutton. Any ways to make the installer point to the radiobutton and select the radiobutton we want from a built-in installation?


When you say "silent" do you mean the user does not even know that it is being installed?

Or, that after the user says yes please install, that the install process runs and exits without further intervention?

The first option sounds dodgy.

Yes, without the user knowing it. The user just need to click the file and it will install everything. The user does not need to know its installed. any way to do it??

See NSIS manual SilentInstall.
Anyway, what is the point of a radio/checkbox in a silent install case?

I think my english is not good and u don't get what i iam saying. Sorry..

I want the installer to change the radiobutton to another option automatically without asking the user or prompt window.