Archive: InstallDirRegKey Question or Problem

InstallDirRegKey Question or Problem
Hi everybody, I have a problem with "InstallDirRegKey".I have a key where is stored an installation directory
ex c:\program files\hitoall\ )
I call this key , for setup location , using this string: InstallDirRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\hl2.exe\shell\open\command\" "SetupDir"

The result is : c:\program files\hitoall

and the Function works.

So ,

How can add a subdirectory using InstallDirRegKey?

Ex :

InstallDirRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\hl2.exe\shell\open\command\" "SetupDir"\Test

The results must will be

c:\program files\hitoall\test

I hope you understand my problem :)

And Sorry for my english .. but i'm italian ^_^ :D

Simply you could use SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Test"
or !define INST_SUBDIR "Test" and use it as:


I Will try ;)

Originally posted by Red Wine
Simply you could use SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Test"
or !define INST_SUBDIR "Test" and use it as:
Sorry but it is not that i would :(

Anyone can help me?

Up :(

Could you explain what exactly do you mean?
When your app is installed on a target then you want to add a subdir to the path? Is this the case?

Originally posted by Red Wine
Could you explain what exactly do you mean?
When your app is installed on a target then you want to add a subdir to the path? Is this the case?
I try to explain with Screen Image ;)

Ok ? :)

I've just try with

InstallDirRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\hl2.exe\shell\open\command\" ""\test\123\abc\lol

without results :(


And modify $INSTDIR according to the result in .onInit.