Archive: Silent Install of VNC

Silent Install of VNC
Hi again,

I currently have VNC silently installing as a service only and that part is fine, but now i want to automate attaching a password to realvnc. Is this done by a simple registry command in NSIS?

Currently I have:
nsExec::ExecToStack '"\\test\vnc-4_1_1-x86_win32.exe" /SILENT /COMPONENTS="!vncviewer, winvnc" /TASKS="installservice, launchservice'

WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\RealVNC\WinVNC4" "Password" "hex:3b,f2,53,2d,df,5c,a9,4c"

I read the only way to do it is to assign a pw in an installed and then copy the registry i tried that, but it's writing the literal full string to the registry and I have a feeling if i just copy and paste what's their in the registry it's not going to work either.

help please :)

Hi okc0r!

Use WriteRegBin to write the password.

WriteRegBin HKLM "Software\RealVNC\WinVNC4" "Password" 3BF2532DDF5CA94C

Have a nice day!

