22nd November 2006 22:25 UTC
I'm trying to change the text in the licence page to not be american spelling. I've managed to change all the other parts of text except the caption, which shows in the very top bar. It wont change from ": License Agreement"
any help appreciated
23rd November 2006 01:45 UTC
sorry, better mention i'm using the experience UI
here's the code
!define XPUI_LICENSEPAGE_CAPTION ": Licence Agreement"
!define XPUI_LICENSEPAGE_TITLE "Licence Agreement"
!define XPUI_LICENSEPAGE_SUBTITLE "Please review the licence agreement before installing ${APPNAME}â„¢."
!define XPUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_TOP "Please scroll down to see the rest of the agreement."
!insertmacro XPUI_PAGE_LICENSE "assets\licence.txt"
so it is only the caption which is not working, all the others are fine
7th May 2008 14:53 UTC
so it is only the caption which is not working, all the others are fine
Is there any possibility to change the caption of the licensepage and welcomepage using MUI2?
Thx in advance