Archive: Goto finish when INSTFILES is completed

Goto finish when INSTFILES is completed
Hi, is there a way to make the INSTFILES page just move on to the finish page instead of declaring a success and then the user having to press 'Next'

Only reason I want to do this is because I cant work out how to change the text at the top of the INSTFILES page when the installing process has finished.

Anyway, cheers if u can help.

Hi zbd!

Have you declared MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE somewhere in your script?

Cheers from Sydney!


Hi Bruno,
I haven't got that declared anywhere.
I'm relatively new at this.
So if i say:


that will make the INSTFILES page not stop when it finishes copying the files?

Cheers for your reply

Hi zbd!

Ok, I might have understood something wrong. Try this code and say if this is the behaviour you would like to achieve.

Usually NSIS switches automatically to the finish page when instfiles has finished.



;Include Modern UI
!include "MUI.nsh"
Outfile test.exe
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

Section "secDummy"
Sleep 1000 ; do some really hard work

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

Yeah thats what I'm wanting it to do.
I am using the ExperienceUI i dont know if that affects it.
At the moment it copies 3 components, when it finishes, it DetailPrints "Completed" then waits for the User to click the next button to go to the finishpage.
Also, I have a custom finish page, with variables to display what was installed.

But yes, your example does exactly what i want to do


Ok, I'll have a look at ExperienceUI.

Thanks for your help.
The only reason I'm trying to do this is because I couldn't change a line of text in the installer.

i've attached my script
[as i said i'm quite newb so structure and a lot of other things may be wrong]

The line that i cant get working is on line 100.

But either way would be great.

Have a look at the manual:

Defines / Page Settings / Files Copy Page

There are a lot of constants which can be set to other values. Is this of any use?

InstFiles Page Settings


The top layer of text on the header.
Default: "Installing"


The bottom layer of text on the header.
Default: "Please wait while <NAME> is being installed."


The text added to the window caption.
Default: ": Copying Files"

Hi yeah, thats where i got XPUI_INSTSUCCESSPAGE_SUBTITLE from.

I am using a few other custom headers on other pages and they work ok, the default its supposed to beaccording to the documentation isn't what is actually printed either.

Its printing "All of the components of MyApp were successfully copied to your computer"
But it says the default is meant to be something else in the documentation.

So my last resort is to make it miss the end of the INSTFILES page, but i cant seem to do either at the moment

I'm sure this is not really a good way, but it could work.


SetAutoClose true

somewhere in your sections.

