Archive: Version check against currently installed version

Version check against currently installed version

HOw would you access the Exe currently within the archive so that it can have its version checked against a currenlty installed version so that versions are not overwritten with a prior or equivalent versiobn


Use GetDllVersionLocal to get the version information of a local file on the build system. See Include\Library.nsh for a usage example.

I can get the version on the local system, but having trouble with GetFileVersion error in macro line 5.....

I need to access the FileVersion of the executable within the archive...


What macro? Are you talking about a file inside another archive and not your installer? You'd have to extract it first.

NO... the executable is whithin my install, I need to make sure that its version is greater than the currently installed version....

Is GetDllLocalVesion what I require

The executable in your install could only come from your local machine. Therefore, using GetDllVersionLocal should provide you with the correct version details. Include\Library.nsh provides a perfect usage example for your case, comparing the versions of a local file, also bundled in the installer, and a file on the user's system.

Do I need to have added it using File first?

I have my script in a root directory and then all files to be installed are in a child directory called Install.


GetDllVersionLocal "Install\$ServiceExeName" $R0 $R1

Can not find the executable..

The command I use later on to add all the files to the Archive is:
File /r .\Install\*.*


There's no need to include the file in order to get its version. The problem in your script is that you use a variable in a compile time command. The compiler can't possibly know what $ServiceExeName will contain at runtime. Use the real file name, without any variables.