Archive: skip license and welcome page

skip license and welcome page

In my installer there are some third party installers which requires restart of the machine.When i restart the machine again my installer must start and the instllation should continue from the point where it left.
How do i do this.?

And I want to skip the welcome page and license page after restart of the machine. How do i do this.

Thanks in Advance

Call Abort if for example a registry key is set (and then delete that registry key). Call Abort in the pages' Pre functions which are defined like so:

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME


Hi Afrow

Thanks for the reply.I could skip the pages with your suggestion.But how do i automatically start my installer when windows restarts?

Thanks in Advance

Hi javadev!

Add it to RunOnce or Run. Here are some detailed information:

There might be options available to postpone restarting the machine. Like /norestart for the installations made with Windows Installer.

