Archive: Uninstalling runtime without adding it twice

Uninstalling runtime without adding it twice

I would like to do the following

[install section]
dotnetfx3.exe /q

[uninstall section]
dotnetfx3.exe /q /uninstall

But, NSIS seems to add the file twice. Turns a 50MB install into a 100MB install.


Hi Jared!

NSIS adds the dotnetfx3.exe to your installer and to your uninstaller.

I think you could avoid adding the dotnetfx3.exe to your uninstaller by invoking the uninstaller of the .NET installation.

I can't tell you how it looks like because I haven't got a Windows installation but have a look in the registry. You'll certainly find something like

msiexec.exe /uninstall {productcode}

in there.

Then use ExecWait to wait to finish the uninstall.

You'll find a lot of parameters to tweak the behaviour of the Windows Installer.

(Registry key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall...)

Have a nice day!



This would be another idea: