Archive: Error compiling with 2.21 version

Error compiling with 2.21 version
Ive download and install the newest version

Ive use HM Nsis Edit.
The compiltation ends fine without errors but when i try the generated exe display an error " Corrupted Installer "


I find the problem

My code look like this

;Default installation folder
InstallDir "C:\MyApp"

And in Installer Section
Section "Main" SEC01
SetOverwrite try
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File "MyApp.exe"

If i use SetOutPath like this, the generated installer fails with the mentioned problem, but if Ive use SetOutPath in this way
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Example"

Works fine
Now the question is why?


My best guess is some anti-virus taking care of your valuable security. Try disabling any of those. Also attach a complete minimal script that reproduces the problem so I can compile it and see for myself what's going on.

Hi kichik

Following your advice, I put myself to trim script to leave a simple one and now when compiling and executing it the error it does not happen.
I dont know why, because the problem maybe in another line of code.
Thanks for your time again