Archive: Automate process

Automate process
I am compiling and running my script with HM NIS EDIT. the script runs fine, What I would like to do is automate the process to have the script compile and run is this possabile. I have been unable to find any command line switches that would do this in the NSIS documentation or the NH NIS EDIT forum. Any help appreciapted.

Many Thanks

Browse to your installation directory and take a look at makensis.exe, it's the command-line compiler.

Make this in a "doitnow.bat" script and click it everytime you want a build...

@ECHO Busy compiling installation script, please wait...
CD "C:\whereveryourstuffis"
"C:\Progra~1\NSIS\makensis.exe" /NOCD "C:\whereveryourstuffis\myscript.nsi"
@ECHO Installscript compiling done.

Do not forget that the NSIS manual is your helpful friend...

Thanks Onrad I was tried using makensis.exe but found it didnt work when I looked in the reg it the compiiler was refered to as makensisw.exe and i tried that and it worked.
Is there any way that I can know when the compiler has finished and automaticaly make it run with out having to press the "test installer button" in makensisW(GUI COMPILER) or without having to press "shift f9"(compile and run in HM NIS EDIT)

Many thanks again for your reply I apprecipate it.

@ECHO Busy compiling installation script, please wait...
CD "C:\whereveryourstuffis"
"C:\Progra~1\NSIS\makensis.exe" /NOCD "C:\whereveryourstuffis\myscript.nsi"
@ECHO Installscript compiling done, now running installer.

Hi Iceman_K

thanks for the reply this works a treat, I notice that you use a switch /NOCD and had a look through the NSIS documentation and Havent been able to understand what NOCD is doing can you explain it or tell me were it is in the documenation so I can read and learn

many thanks again

much apprecipated