Archive: Listbox Help

Listbox Help
I'm new to nsis, but i have made a couple simple scripts before.

It would be great if someone can help or point me in the right direction on these questions i have.

First of all, how do i make it so when i launch the program, it opens up in a predefined width and height that are nonchangeable and without any headers or anything? It would be an empty window until i add some content.

And, how do i add values to a listbox and receive which one was double clicked?


Well i figured out the value part.

I still would like some help/hints/links on how to do the window part.
Also. Is there a way to add an icon to a list item so each list item as a seperate icon?

Which window are you talking about? The installer dialog? You should create your own UI, based on those in Contrib\UIs and use ChangeUI or MUI_UI to have the installer user it. You can use Resource Hacker to edit those files.

InstallOptionsEx or another plug-in available on the wiki might help you add an icon to a listbox.