Archive: How to add a folder not exe files

How to add a folder not exe files
I would like to know how I can add A folder like Apache to the NSIS installer
The files are already included in the folder, the exe files in Apache folder
File "Apache\"
not File "bin.exe

I already told you how to do this on IRC
...And read the helpfile and look at the examples for basic nsis usage

I get an error when compiling nsi script
File /r "Apache\"*.*
Error in script "C:\Program Files\Apache.nsi" on line 25 -- aborting creation process

The line is File /r "Apache\"*.*

Hi LukaszT!

This should do the trick:

File /r "Apache\*.*"



Sup? it didn't work
It didn't work
I think my files are to large?

Could you post the whole script?

How big is this directory?

The directory is this big
96.4 MB
I can't do much cause my laptop overheats when I compile.

Name "Apache"

; The file to write
OutFile "Apache.exe"

; The default installation directory
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Apache"


; Pages

Page directory
Page instfiles


; The stuff to install
Section "" ;No components page, name is not important

; Set output path to the installation directory.
SetOutPath "$PROGRAMFILES/Apache"

; Put file there
File /r "Apache\"*.*

SectionEnd ; end the section

see ya soon
I will be able to reply toomarow

Your code is still incorrect!

File /r "Apache\"*.*
File /r "Apache\*.*"

You have to move the quaotation marks to the end!

You are such a patient person "bholliger", thank you for supporting others so well.

Code works ;)
The code works
There was another problem. I figured it out
Thank You

Sup? I need help again
I have figured out the code for folders thnx to
Now I need the same folder to be there, then what I would like to do is make my.ini extract to C:\Windows\ from the Apache folder inside the installer
I think the code might be different cause since I only added apache folder using that command
The file is inisde the Apache folder Apache\my.ini
Nsi is outside of the Apache folder
Please help
Thank You


; Put file there
File /r "Apache\*.*" ; you could exclude the ini file, but it wouldn't make the installer smaller
SetOutPath $WINDIR
File /r "Apache\my.ini"

For further information have a look at

