Multiple components passed to CEAppMgr
I am trying to install 3 components via activesync
I have noticed that when i pass CEAppMgr 3 ini files, it copies all 3 and installs all 3 in one go without any prompts.
StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\NETCFv2.arm.ini" "$INSTDIR\SpeedAlert_L_PPC.ARMV4.ini" "$INSTDIR\SpeedAlertMap.ini"
Call InstallCAB
This is exactly what i want to do, but the problem is that it pops up the activesync Add/Remove programs window and i have to 'tick' each component then press ok and it does everything at once.
I am wondering if i were able to specify the 3 components in 1 ini file and pass that to CEAppMgr, or if there is a way to avoid this Add/Remove programs window that pops up on the desktop computer.