Archive: Twin progress bars

Twin progress bars
'lo ladies and gents.

I have a project in which I need to have two progress bars. One for the total project progress, and one for the sub-project progress. I'd prefer to have a Details box there as well. I tried looking into InstallOptions, however the documentation makes no mention of a progress bar. Seeing as how installOptionsEx is no longer in development, I can't seem to find out how to create that second progress bar. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Take a look at Wiki there are a couple plugins up there.

Thanks for the reply, however what I'm trying to acheive is having two progress bars on the same page. That NXS plugin just has a solitary progress bar. So while it is customizable, it doesn't quite seem to cover what I'm looking for. Any other suggestions?

Thanks for the help.

I'm not sure if this can be done:
Customize the source code of Nxs to build something that covers what you're looking.

So there's no way of adding a progress bar using InstallOptions?

Maybe ExDlg Plugin can do it.