Archive: CeRegEnumValue, can't pass in index

CeRegEnumValue, can't pass in index
Hi ppl,

I am trying to retreive the registry of my CE 5.0 PPC.
However, this line:
System::Call "rapi::CeRegEnumValue(i, i, *i, i, i, i, i, *i) i(r1., 0, .r7, 0, 0, 0, 0, .r2) .r0"
does not seem to find anything while I am pretty sure some value is in the "rapi::CeRegOpenKeyEx(i, w, i, i, *i) i(0x80000002, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\.NETCompactFramework', 0, 0, .r1) .r0").
Can u guys give me some help on this...thanks a lot.

I can't see right now what's the problem with the code. The registry already has this working, so it might be simpler to use it instead.