Archive: How can i set the DirText dynamic

How can i set the DirText dynamic
Hi all
In my installer,my pages's order like below:
Page custom PageSelect doSelect
Page custom PageF2 doF2
Page custom PageF3 doF3

In PageSelect ,there are two radiobutton for "Update" or "Fresh install".
If users select "Fresh install", then the order will be:
pageselect -> pagedirectory -> pageF2 ->finish

If users select "Update",the order will be:
pageselect -> pagedirectory -> pageF3 ->finish
and when user leave pagedirectory ,it will check that if the $INSTDIR have an existing file;
and i want to change the DirText too.

what should i do ?
Thanks in advance.

Hi aricc!

Depending on the user's selection call Abort [1] in the PageF2 or PageF3 function. This will not show the dialog.

To check whether an application can be installed in a particular directory, have a look at .onVerifyInstDir [2].

I think that you already received an answer for changing DirText.


Have fun!

