Archive: reading lines from a file

reading lines from a file

i try to read lines from a textfile like this:

!include logiclib.nsh

OutFile filetest.exe

FileOpen $0 "acr-install-conf.txt" r
DetailPrint "opened file"
FileRead $0 $1
DetailPrint $1
${while} $1 != ""
MessageBox MB_OK $1
FileRead $0 $1
FileClose $0

this works well from the EclipseNSIS interface (the "run" button), but if i doubleclick the created .exe it doesent read a single line from the text-file...

any ideas?


I can't see something wrong with the code, maybe you should add the full path to the text file.
EX, FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\test.txt" r