15th December 2006 04:26 UTC
Negative Error Codes
I am launching a program, and polling for return codes/errors and sometimes I get ones that are strange. I have often seen "-8" show up on windows operating systems.
Does anyone have any idea what these negative error codes could mean?
15th December 2006 09:07 UTC
Hi, this is just a theory, but a negative error code could mean that "there is more info available about this error". For example with InstallSh*t, which spawned A LOT of errors, you could do "FormatMessage( -12345 )" to get some more information about it.
Generally, I don't think that there's a convention about error codes/return codes other than 0=everything ok; 1=something went wrong; 2=even worse error;3=...
15th December 2006 13:25 UTC
How do you launches your program? ExecWait, ExecShell commands, or nsExec plug-in? In ExecDos this means "terminated on timeout", increase timeout value this case.