More execWait help, please...
I have read several threads in regards to the use of execWait with parameters, I figured it out, but wow -- what a struggle. What causes something which should be as simple as a system call forget that msiexec is supposed to launch an msi? The ExecShell is smart enough to know...
Funny enough, the following works:
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\install\Firefox_Setup_2.0.exe -ms -dd c:\usr\local\bin\Firefox -ira"
But if I change it to:
ExecWait '"${INSTDIR}\install\Firefox_Setup_2.0.exe" -ms -dd c:\usr\local\bin\Firefox -ira', it stops working.
Another feature request - make execution of external statements easier to use. I blew 12 hours trying to make this work, much to my dismay. At least it is working now. I am sure the mystery of putting the quotes in the right place, and whether $WINDIR is supposed to be there or not throws a lot of people.