Archive: ??? my setup don't close after install !!!

??? my setup don't close after install !!!
hi all ,

when i used my setup now , after installing i click on close's button but my setup stay open ! i must go into Crtl-Alt + Del for close it !!!

please help me , it's a mystery for me and my game must go out for Chrismas !

NB: In .nsi attachment i have deleted some files because u cannot have these files and have a message error

Maybe some plugins are still in process...better check that

Haaaaaaaaaaaa it is a disaster for me !

i have take this nsis plugin for skinned my installer :
from this topic
and the original nsis script do not closed after install !

it's my first setup with nsis and i do not know how find the solution to this pb ... anybody have a idea ?

See NSIS documentation SetPluginUnload. It might help you.

One more thought...
Is it possible that you have placed an Abort in the middle of a section? If yes this could cause the installer not to end properly. Examine the example below to see what I mean.

outfile test.exe
licensedata '${NSISDIR}\license.txt'

page license
page instfiles

section -
messagebox mb_yesno 'Continue?' idyes +2
sleep 2000
messagebox mb_ok 'end of section dude!'

i have only one "abort"

;installer pages
!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE ChangeSubtitleFont
Page Custom WelcomePage ; this is custom page, because standard welcome page does not work correctly
;!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_CHECKBOX ; you can use it, if you want, radiobuttons too
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE $(LicenseString)
i have try with " SetPluginUnload alwaysoff " at the end of my script page , but always the same pb.

If i click on the button "abort" before installing my game , the windows and the setup closed good and desapear from process explorer but if i install my game and then click on the button " close " the windows stay open , setup stay open in process explorer and my pc freeze... i cannot open/close any windows i must go closed setup in process explorer...

Sorry, I can't think of something furthermore. I have not any idea about those plugins that you're using in your script, thus I can't imagine how they act. Must exists documentation and examples included with the plugins that might help you catch the bug.

Thx red wine to have trying to help me .

i have a new to say , it's incredible and i don't know why .... it is like this !

i have tried my setup on my second pc and it's work good !
i have send to friends and it's work good !

on my principal pc where i have working for this setup it does'nt closed. i have close before trying my setup all programms ( nsis , nsis edit ... ) nothing working on my pc and launch my setup : it does'nt closed !!!

maybee a bugg ? i don't know why but it is working :up: on all others pc...

maybee this can help someone if have the same pb... try on another pc

Obviously the conclusion is that there is a running proccess on your 1st pc that is responsible for the conflict. You have to identify that proccess (perhaps an AV or something like this) beacause it is possible that when you spread out your game, others would have the same problem.

ohhh sure ! i will see that ... thx

i have found the pb , but i don't know why it make that . *
when i launch my setup with manager process open on
" applications " it appears two times my setup " MIX-SW-FCX " .

any idea ?

Just shaw on other topic something similar.
Perhaps you should take a look

ok ... i know now what is create this second process.

it's the BGGradient who create the second process and cannot closed after install.

is it a code to closed this after install ?

BGGradient appears as a second proccess in windows task manager, though, it does not prevent the installer to close normally.