Archive: Help with script

Help with script
OK. I have waded thru the Java detect script and have fixed the script. It will detect java correctly and prompt to install if needed. ONE problem remains that I just cant figure out. If Java is NOT installed or is OLD, the program CORRECTLY prompts to install the Java package, installs it then moves to install the program. If Java IS installed, however, it DOES skip the java warnings but moves to install java anyway??? Can someone take a look for me.

Look at your code:
Function DetectJRE
ReadRegStr ${TEMP} HKLM "SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment" "CurrentVersion"
ReadRegStr ${TEMP2} HKLM "SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\${TEMP}" "JavaHome"
Goto GetJRE

IfFileExists "${TEMP2}\bin\java.exe" 0 NoFound
StrCpy ${VAL1} ${TEMP} 1
StrCpy ${VAL2} ${JRE_VERSION} 1
IntCmp ${VAL1} ${VAL2} 0 FoundOld FoundNew
StrCpy ${VAL1} ${TEMP} 1 2
StrCpy ${VAL2} ${JRE_VERSION} 1 2
IntCmp ${VAL1} ${VAL2} FoundNew FoundOld FoundNew

A possible fix:
Change IfFileExists "${TEMP2}\bin\java.exe" 0 NoFound to the following.

IfFileExists "${TEMP2}\bin\java.exe" "" NoFound

In another installation I had errors with IfFileExists using a 0 in that blank function field. Replace it with quotes and let me know how it goes.

In fact I recommend using quotes to show blank fields instead of a 0. It seemed to cure all my errors

Nope...that didnt fix it..

I hopefully explained what it was doing I said it is detecting that I have the correct JRE version...but it is going into the JRE install anyway..for instance..say I dont have JRE installed it comes up with a screen that tells them no JRE is present...they press next and a window comes up unzipping the JRE and installing it after that is complete it goes to the program install...well right now if the PROPER JRE is found no warning about JRE is shown but it goes straight to the JRE install...

For some reason I think it is in this section...

Function CheckInstalledJRE
Call DetectJRE
Pop ${TEMP}
StrCmp ${TEMP} "OK" NoDownloadJRE
Pop ${TEMP2}
StrCmp ${TEMP2} "None" NoFound FoundOld

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "jre.ini" "Field 1" "Text" "TGDTJ requires a more recent version of the Java Runtime Environment than the one found on your computer.\nThe installation of JRE ${JRE_VERSION} will start."
Goto DownloadJRE

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "jre.ini" "Field 1" "Text" "No Java Runtime Environment could be found on your computer.\n The installation of JRE v${JRE_VERSION} will start."
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "jre.ini"
Goto DownloadJRE

StrCpy ${DOWNLOAD_JRE_FLAG} "Download"

Pop ${TEMP2}
StrCpy ${DOWNLOAD_JRE_FLAG} "NoDownload"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "jre.ini" "UserDefinedSection" "JREPath" ${TEMP2}



Mainly under NoDownloadJRE: ...not sure though, because it is correctly going thru the DetectJRE call..

OK...I think I am making SOME headway...If I set the NoDownloadJRE: to mimick the NoFound or FoundOld it works, so that means that the CORRECT answer is given to the install that the install doesn't need a JRE install..problem is in the NoDownloadJRE: part which is

Pop ${TEMP}
StrCpy ${DOWNLOAD_JRE_FLAG} "NoDownload"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "jre.ini" "UserDefinedSection" "JREPath" ${TEMP2}

I need it to say something like, JRE Is installed click next to continue program install instead of going to the JRE install...