Archive: Unable to select sections without going to custom install

Unable to select sections without going to custom install
I have two sections "Install" and "Extract", and 7 sections.
"Extract" has 1 of the sections selected and this simply extracts the payload.
"Install" does a number of tests and depending on external conditions selects 1 to 6 of the sections.
I want to present the user with "Extract" or "Install". The user will not be able to change any of the sections selected.

Unfortunately, I keep running into problems. If I use SectionIn to designate which sections are assigned to an Install type, it switches to a 'Custom' Install option as soon as I change any of them. If I set the components page to use /NOCUSTOM then on loading it sets the Install component type to blank which disappears when I select another option.

I want it to appear with Install and all the required options preselected, so the user can just click next.

The example below is as close as I can get it :( The type of install is set to blank. When you manually set it to Install it sets the correct options, but this is an extra step which I am trying to get rid of.

!include Sections.nsh
!include MUI.nsh

Name InstTest
OutFile c:\InstText.exe
InstallDir C:\Data\QuentinV3

InstType "Install"
InstType "Extract"


Section "Install Java SDK" sec_install_java
SectionIn ro 1

Section "Install MySQL database server" sec_install_mysql
SectionIn ro 1

Section "ISA Manager" sec_install_isa
SectionIn ro 1

Section "Configure Database" sec_config_db
SectionIn ro 1

Section "Update Quantel database" sec_config_update
SectionIn ro 1

Section "Downdate Quantel database" sec_config_downdate
SectionIn ro 1

Section "File Extract Only" sec_extract_only
SectionIn ro 2

Function .onInit
!insertmacro ClearSectionInInstType "${sec_install_java}" "${INSTTYPE_1}"
!insertmacro ClearSectionInInstType "${sec_config_update}" "${INSTTYPE_1}"
!insertmacro SetSectionInInstType "${sec_extract_only}" "${INSTTYPE_2}"

I guess this is what you're looking for :-)

!define SF_USELECTED  0
!define SF_SELECTED 1
!define SF_RO 16

Name InstTest
OutFile 'InstText.exe'

InstType "Install"
InstType "Extract"

!include MUI.nsh


!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

Section "Install Java SDK" SEC_1

Section "Install MySQL database server" SEC_2

Section "ISA Manager" SEC_3

Section "Configure Database" SEC_4

Section "Update Quantel database" SEC_5

Section "Downdate Quantel database" SEC_6

Section "File Extract Only" SEC_7

Function .onInit
# execute at least this sample script twice by changing the Push below
# respectively to contition1 contition2 and watch the action :-)
Push contition1
Pop $R0
StrCmp $R0 'contition1' contition1 contition2

IntOp $0 ${SF_SELECTED} | ${SF_RO}

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_1} $0
SectionSetInstTypes ${SEC_1} 1

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_5} $0
SectionSetInstTypes ${SEC_5} 1

IntOp $0 ${SF_USELECTED} | ${SF_RO}

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_2} $0

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_3} $0

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_4} $0

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_6} $0

IntOp $0 ${SF_USELECTED} | ${SF_RO}

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_7} $0
SectionSetInstTypes ${SEC_7} 2

StrCmp $R0 'contition2' 0 exit

IntOp $0 ${SF_SELECTED} | ${SF_RO}

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_1} $0
SectionSetInstTypes ${SEC_1} 1

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_5} $0
SectionSetInstTypes ${SEC_5} 1

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_2} $0
SectionSetInstTypes ${SEC_2} 1

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_3} $0
SectionSetInstTypes ${SEC_3} 1

IntOp $0 ${SF_USELECTED} | ${SF_RO}

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_4} $0

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_6} $0

IntOp $0 ${SF_USELECTED} | ${SF_RO}

SectionSetFlags ${SEC_7} $0
SectionSetInstTypes ${SEC_7} 2


Wow thanks, You have obviously put in a lot of work for this.
It took quite a long time to understand how it works so I will add an explaination for others.

The reason why my orginal showed blank in the selection list was because the selected sections did not match any of the predefined install types.

After a bit of fiddling I found SetSectionInInstType in sections.nsh and wrote 2 macros to help standardise the SectionSet stuff.

!macro AssignInstallSection P_SEC
Push $0
IntOp $0 ${SF_SELECTED} | ${SF_RO}
SectionSetFlags ${P_SEC} $0
Pop $0

!macro UnassignInstallSection P_SEC
Push $0
IntOp $0 ${SF_USELECTED} | ${SF_RO}
SectionSetFlags ${P_SEC} $0
Pop $0

Function .onInit

!insertmacro SetSectionInInstType ${sec_install_java} 1
!insertmacro AssignInstallSection ${sec_install_java}

!insertmacro ClearSectionInInstType ${sec_install_mysql} 1
!insertmacro UnassignInstallSection ${sec_install_mysql}

!insertmacro ClearSectionInInstType ${sec_install_isa} 1
!insertmacro UnassignInstallSection ${sec_install_isa}

!insertmacro ClearSectionInInstType ${sec_config_db} 1
!insertmacro UnassignInstallSection ${sec_config_db}

!insertmacro SetSectionInInstType ${sec_config_update} 1
!insertmacro AssignInstallSection ${sec_config_update}

!insertmacro ClearSectionInInstType ${sec_config_downdate} 1
!insertmacro UnassignInstallSection ${sec_config_downdate}

!insertmacro SetSectionInInstType ${sec_extract_only} 2

Î¥ou're welcome!. Nice job from your side!
Perhaps you may want to take a look at the attached below sample. I think it is a little more pro looking :-)

Maybe 1 for the Wiki!

I've already posted a topic at wiki with the above sample code because here in forum after a few days is not easy to find it by someone who might need it.