Archive: Need Fix for Installation fails openwiki - cannot find license.txt

Need Fix for Installation fails openwiki - cannot find license.txt
Installation fails when attemtping to install openwiki error message from compiler tester and makensis cmd indicates cannot find license.txt. Verified text is in
E:\Program Files\NSIS\Docs\makensisw\License.txt


Name: "openwiking"
BrandingText: "openwiking"
ComponentText: "This will install OpenWikiNG" "" ""
DirText: "Setup has determined the optimal location to install. If you would like to change the directory, do so now." "" "" ""
LicenseText: "openwiking is a free product. Please read the license terms below before installing." ""
LicenseData: open failed "..\LICENSE.txt"
Usage: LicenseData local_file_that_has_license_text | license_lang_string
Error in script "OpenWiki.nsi" on line 11 -- aborting creation process.
Anyone elese see this issue. Builds are from today.

Just provide the FULL path to the file license.txt e.g
licensedata 'D:\My installation\license.txt'.

Install halt at EnabledBitmap
I moved to the next line and halted.
This maybe a configuration issue.
I have the openwiki installation files in the same folder as makensis.exe.

After I specified the path to LICENSE it is now halting at Invalid command: EnableBitmap
This installation process cannot see files in the same folder as makensis.

LicenseText: "openwiking is a free product. Please read the license terms below before installing." ""
LicenseData: "E:\Program Files\NSIS\Docs\makensisw\LICENSE.txt"
OutFile: "OpenWiking.exe"
CRCCheck: on
Invalid command: EnabledBitmap
Error in script "OpenWiki.nsi" on line 18 -- aborting creation process

The script must be stored into the installation's parent folder not into NSIS folder. Otherwise you have to provide the full path for every file. In your case you may try ${NSISDIR}\Makensisw\ assuming that you have installed NSIS correctly and that you have made a folder into NSIS directory with the name makensisw because as far as I know there is not such folder inside ${NSISDIR}

Appreciate your help.

This is where I found the LICENSE file.
E:\Program Files\NSIS\Docs\makensisw\License.txt

Next I opened NSIS compiler and loaded the script for E:\OpenWiki\SourceFiles\openwiking\installer\OpenWiki.nsi.

Got past the LICENSE issue
LicenseText: "openwiking is a free product. Please read the license terms below before installing." ""
LicenseData: "..\LICENSE.txt"

Now running into:

OutFile: "OpenWiking.exe"
CRCCheck: on
Invalid command: EnabledBitmap
Error in script "E:\OpenWiki\SourceFiles\openwiking\installer\OpenWiki.nsi" on line 17 -- aborting creation process

Exactly as the compiler's log says, there is not such command.
I think you should take a look at wiki to find a development enviroment and other useful stuff, or download my Quick Setup Script Generator and start over.

Thank you for the help.
Turns out several others are having similar issues.
Also appreciate your recommendation for Quick Setup Script Generator. I used the makensis.exe for the generator. Still no go, but, I will continue to investgate. I was able to get another wiki running and will use it for now.