Archive: "XPStyle off"

"XPStyle off"
Hi Guys!
Im a newbie here..
I am doing my training in a company here
I have never heard about NSIS before actually,
and on my 1st day of training, last week, I was asked by my supervisor to study this stuff by myself!
My task is to create some custom pages for an installer.
So I have to go through all the documentation stuffs and examine each and every single line of scripting, which I really have no idea about them at all...
I found this in the documentation of UltraModen UI, for SkinnedButton Plug-in for NSIS,
"Finally, Don't forget to add the "XPStyle off" instruction after the insertion of macro page. Otherwise, no buttons will appear."
I need help from any of you guys out there, on how to insert this instruction in my script.
Thank you very much in advance!

Add it somewhere below the Name, for instance,
Name "My Application Name"
OutFile "Setup.exe"
XpStyle off

Red Wine, thank you very much!(1000x)

Hello everyone
I need another help again
lets say, i want to prompt a custom page where user has to fill in the user name and company name
my friend told me, i have to read the registry value, and then set the value to the user interface. and then use "WriteRegStr.HKLM" or something like that, but i really have no idea how it can be done..
Anyone can help me with it?
Thank you very much

A small sample intended to give you an idea :-)

outfile 'test.exe'
showinstdetails show
licenseData '${NSISDIR}\License.txt'

page license
page custom CustomCreate CustomLeave
page instfiles

section -

function .onInit
gettempfilename $0
rename $0 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini'
call WriteIni

function CustomCreate
# Note these are valid for NT systems only. For 9X Windows NT -> Windows
ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "RegisteredOwner"
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'State' '$R1'
ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "RegisteredOrganization"
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'State' '$R1'

push $1
InstallOptions::Dialog '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini'
pop $1

function CustomLeave
readinistr $1 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'State'
strcmp $1 '' 0 +3
messagebox mb_ok 'plz enter user name'

readinistr $1 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'State'
strcmp $1 '' 0 +3
messagebox mb_ok 'plz enter company name'

# This function builds the custom.ini at runtime insted of
# add it as file at compile time and then extract it at runtime.
function WriteIni
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Settings' 'NumFields' '3'

WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Type' 'GroupBox'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Left' '20'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Top' '20'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Right' '-21'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Bottom' '-21'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Text' 'User Details'

WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Type' 'Text'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Left' '60'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Top' '46'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Right' '-61'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Bottom' '60'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'State' 'user name here'

WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Type' 'Text'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Left' '60'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Top' '76'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Right' '-61'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Bottom' '90'
WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'State' 'company name here'

Mr Red Wine..!
That helps me very very much!
1000x Thank you again to u..

Hello guys
How can I use for example :


for multiple custom pages that I have created?
so that, the title and the subtitle of every page will not redundant.
Thank you very much in advance

Oh its ok guys..
I already get it..
LOL what a question..