Archive: Dynamically change translation of languague file nsh ?

Dynamically change translation of languague file nsh ?

is it possible to dynamically change the !define MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE found in French.nsh in a script ?

I need to do this because the name of application is "logiciel de recherche..."

and !define MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE "Bienvenue dans le programme d'installation de $(^NameDA)"

i want to change "de" by "du" but don't want to make the change directly in the French.nsh because the name of the app can change and i need the original text with "de" !


the easy way make a bakup of the language.nsh (with original text.

shortly heavier make some defines in the language nsh

!define MyCustomText "de" or du however is needed you must change it manually.

!define MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE "Bienvenue dans le programme d'installation ${MyCustomText} $(^NameDA)"

Thank you very much, i'll try this.



it works perfectly as expected, except with file french.nlf for windows caption where i have the variable displaying instead of its value :

"Installation ${MyCustomText} MyAppNAme"

Any clue ?

thank you

You can't use that trick in NLF files. You'll have to change that string with the appropriate command, or LangString. On the NLF, before each line, the name of the internal LangString it fills is listed. Use that with the following:

LangString ^SomeString ${LANG_FRENCH} "Installation ${MyCustomText} MyAppNAme"

Hi kichik,

ok i think i get it ! Thx