Archive: How can create subdirectory

How can create subdirectory
Hi all,
I have a section where copy all files of my subdirectory to subdirectory of my installation directory.
But I don't know how can create subdirectory

this is my section:

Section "Install MyProgram" SEC01
SectionIn 1 RO
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\MyProgram"
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\MyProgram\Plugins"
File "${NSISDIR}\MyProgram\myprog.exe"
File "${NSISDIR}\MyProgram\Plugins\myp.dll"
File "${NSISDIR}\MyProgram\Plugins\ask.dll"
File "${NSISDIR}\MyProgram\Plugins\port.dll"

I mus create Plugins subdirectory on myProgram directory and copy ofcourse the dll files on Plugins subdirectory.

Thanks in advance.


SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File somefile.ext
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Plugin"
File someplugin.ext

no need for CreateDirectiry at this stage.