Archive: multiple installment

multiple installment
My "Supervisor" told me I need to make a script using NSIS to install several executables. I have been through the tutorial, everything and I am completly lost. I really need some indept help with this. I just cant seem to figure it out.
Can anyone bring me on the right track for where to get going. I need to make a script that is able to execute 7 programs or so. Also the programs are located on a site.

First step should be to check if the program is already installed.
Common way to achieve such a thing is to read a value from Registry .
Assuming that the program is not installed you call a download plugin e.g Inetc plugin to download program's installer.
After a successful download execute Scripting Reference-ExecWait the downloaded installer.
Once everything is done, you may proceed to the next program following the same procedure. :-)

thanks alot. I will try that out tonight at home see how it goes.

I got it to download and execute. I am just wondering if there is a way to make it accept the license and just click the next buttons for each install.

I just need it to install the .exe by itself.

Something like this, if I got what you mean:

Page License
Page InstFiles pre1
Page InstFiles pre2

Section "Prog 1" sec1
# download + execute prog 1

Section 'Prog 2' sec2
# download + execute prog 2

function pre1
sectionsetflags ${sec1} 1
sectionsetflags ${sec2} 0

function pre2
sectionsetflags ${sec1} 0
sectionsetflags ${sec2} 1

Added page at wiki with complete example regarding to the subject.

I am not too sure if im following you with the wiki example there. I got the wiki to work but I get a license agreement which is one thing I cannot have.

This is what is done, all that is left is to run threw the licenses and other windows without having to click anything.

I download the program off the net using inetc::get then use exec to execute it and then im point blank. I got a next text button and I gotta accept license agreement. I want to be able to do with silently lets say.

Remove the license page if you don't want it, remove and the SetAutoClose false, and you ready to go.

It solves my problem there

Problem # I dunno

Now when I come to install the program I need for that to run without having me to press next or accept the license.
I dont even know if its possible.

You may want to refer to NSIS documentation especially on SilentInstall.

I fixed all my problems. Thanks