Archive: My installer make windows die

My installer make windows die
I have some problems with my installer. I create my installer. All information about my installer, I must read from registry.
The first time, I have written these information about my installer in registry such as vendor, product name, product version.

These are information about my product which i create in registry
Vendor banana
Product Name test
Product Version 1.0
After, I create my installer from these information.
It means I must read these information about my product from registry into my installer such as "INSTDIR= $PROGFILES\$productname".
My installer is created successful. I run it and my application run well.
When I uninstall my application, there are some problems happen in my installer. MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES still displays these files which I delete. My problems is here. After I uninstall my application, all icon on my desktop become like this or or mycomputer.lnk.... I also click START, in all programs, these files like WINRAR->WINRAR.lnk and these text files can not execute (at that time, I must install my window again :( ). I run my window this time, I announce that I lost file run32dll.exe.
I think while I uninstall my application, my installer has delete these system files.
I also have to check my code and I think I do not delete these system files.
Actually, I can not explain why it happen when I uninstall my application. Is it wrong in my code or I have some mistakes?
If you used to see this problem, please help me!

You must initialize $vendorname and $shortproname in the uninstaller as well. The uninstaller is a separate process that the installer. If you set a variable in the installer, it won't be set in the uninstaller. You must also verify that the variables are properly initialized, especially when having such a dangerous delete command in there. If those are not set, you delete the entire HKLM\Software key!

Thanks kichik a lot, now I can solve my problem well.