Archive: show/hide directory request

show/hide directory request

I have developped a custom page where I can choose the install type with RadioButtons. When install-button is choosed the directory request muss be hide and when update-button is choosed the directory muss be showed. So far it is ok. But when I choose update and I go to the next page and I return to this custom page, the update-button is still checked but the directory request is hide!
I would like that it stays showed! How can I do that?. I have see an example in InstallOptions\testnotify. I have tried it but it doesn't work. I send a test file with the ini-file.
Any help is welcome!



Add code to the custom page show function that resets the desired controls to their default state, every time the page is reloaded. e.g.
function CustomCreate
push $R1
InstallOptions::InitDialog /NOUNLOAD '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini'
pop $R1
;disable next button every time page is reloaded
GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
EnableWindow $R0 0
InstallOptions::Show '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini'
pop $R1
pop $R1

Thanks for your help it is working!

You're welcome!
Just a notice. On a second look these push and pop are copied pasted from other example though they are not accurate.
If you want to preserve the value that possibly contains $R1 you should do it like this:

function CustomCreate
push $R1 ;park $R1 value to the stack
InstallOptions::InitDialog /NOUNLOAD '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini'
pop $R1
messagebox mb_ok 'Now $$R1 contains the dialog HWND == $R1'
GetDlgItem $R1 $HWNDPARENT 1
EnableWindow $R1 0
InstallOptions::Show '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini'
pop $R1
messagebox mb_ok 'Now $$R1 contains the pressed button == $R1'
pop $R1
messagebox mb_ok 'Now $$R1 contains the the path to custom.ini == $R1'
pop $R1
messagebox mb_ok 'Now $$R1 got back the value from stack == $R1'