Archive: PostgreSQL, ExecCmd::exec, large dump file problem

PostgreSQL, ExecCmd::exec, large dump file problem

My installer would install PostgreSQL(silent), and then run 3 sql files (1-make a user, 2-make a database, 3-import nomenclators).

The problem is that the last of them return code 2 and fail to execute (I use ExecCmd::exec).
The dump file is big enough (106 M).

the line that drives me crazy look like
ExecCmd::exec \
'$INSTDIR\Db\bin\psql.exe -q -o "$INSTDIR\Commons\data\arhimed\arhimed.log" -U user db -f "$INSTDIR\Commons\data\arhimed\arhimed.sql"' \

What can I do against this problem?
Any help is very welcome, jtonic.

This might help, NSIS manual 2.2 Script Files

If you want to use a double-quote in a string you can either use $\" to escape the quote or quote the string with a different type of quote such as ` or '.

Plug-in itself uses negative exit codes for it's (internal) errors, so +2 was returned by shell or application. Probably this is "02 File not found". May be quotes for executable can help?

ExecCmd::exec \
'"$INSTDIR\Db\bin\psql.exe" -q -o "$INSTDIR\Commons\data\arhimed\arhimed.log" -U user db -f "$INSTDIR\Commons\data\arhimed\arhimed.sql"' \

ExecCmd::exec questions
First, thanks you for your replies

If I use -W in psql command I force password request, and the following ExecCmd::exec faild to execute [return code 2]

StrCpy $1 '$INSTDIR\Db\bin\psql.exe -q -U postgres -W postgres -f $INSTDIR\Commons\data\arhimed\create_user.sql'
DetailPrint $1
ExecCmd::exec /NOUNLOAD /ASYNC $1 \
Pop $0
ExecCmd::wait $0

In postgresql server log I discovered:
2007-01-10 13:28:20 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

If I remove option -W all its okie, because psql.exe doesn't need password.

Seemed that password passwordSQL-paSS is not recognized (altered, not delivered) by psql.exe command (via ExecCmd::exec).

Another problem is that blank spaces can't be included in ExecCmd::exec command string:
If $INSTDIR is C:\Program files\Iqbyte the ExecCmd::exec failed with code 1. If I execute the same command in terminal all is okie.

Have anyone else faced with these problems? Any helps are very welcome. Cheers, jtonic.