Archive: Display a Video File in Custom Page

Display a Video File in Custom Page

I want to display a video file within NSIS custom page, I poped up the video using nsExec::Exec command but the damn client wants it in the setup page it self, any ideas..?


Hello Red wine,
I have seen your "AMAZING NSIS" post but is there any way to include it in the custom page as a control?

See the screen shot for what I want...

Thanks :)
I'm afraid yet there isn't such a plugin that would be able to open a video frame within nsis page.
Alternatively you may look at AnimGif plugin,
or you may try open a registered video file with ExecShell open, or create a video player window with a 3rd party application (e.g. multimedia builder) and pop up this app thru nsis.

Perhaps InstallOptionsEx would be able to display a video frame.

hi Red Wine,

Thanks for prompt reply.

I poped up the Media Player, but client is not happy with it, saying this is opening another window and looks odd for the users as they might think it is out of the setup and close it. Anim Gif is another good idea but the quality of images may be the problem, but still would try it.

Steps I want to perform:

1. Show the user a custom page with option to select Tour
2. If selected show another custom page with Video/Flash
3. Wait till the tour is over.
4. Perform install.

I am also OK with the Flash file even, coz this is going to be a guided tour kind a thing. This will tell the user how the setup is going to change the settings and when asked what all services user will have to modify manually.

Somebody did it with the Flash[Yes I digged that in NSIS forum only], but he[I do not recollect his name] claims that he is busy and can not share the code.

Any ideas further...?

1. Show the user a custom page with option to select Tour
2. If selected show another custom page with Video/Flash
I believe after all the things that you have discovered, and according to your plan, the best way should be the creation of a stand alone application that you would launch when users have decided that they want to see the tour. (e.g. hide installer window, execute the external app, then show installer and continue). MM builder ( is a very good application that is able to create both video and flash stand alone players among a bounce of other great things.

Red Wine already pointed to****plug-in - avi animation supported.

you could also use the internetexplorer plugin that displays an IE frame in the installer.

and then you write your own small html file that includes a mediaplayer object with <embed> tags :)

not the finest solution but should work.