Dialog Window Timeout
I create a custome dialog and display, no problems..
However I only want this window to be open for say 1 minute, after which the program catches the timeout and sets and error, SetErrorLevel 108 and then calls Abort, as it faild.
1 InstallOptions::dialog $PLUGINSDIR\InstOptions.ini
2 Pop $R1
3 StrCmp $R1 "cancel" done
4 StrCmp $R1 "back" done
5 StrCmp $R1 "success" done
6 error: MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "InstallOptions error:$\r$\n$R1"
7 done:
Is my code, I can't get get time time before line 1 nd between 1 and 2 and then compare as it never gets to 2 until the dialog exits.... (which it wont if it never times out)