Driver Install/Update windows 98
Hello and welcome to my first post :)

I want to build an installer which installes and (if nessesary) updates an usb-driver on windows-systems 9x to XP

For windows 2k to XP I use the InstDrv plugin from without any problems.

But with win98 it is a different story, I know how to install the driver to the system to be find by the hardware-detection, but i can not determine if there is already a(/an) (older) driver for this device installed which should be updated/removed.
I also tried to search in the forum and asked "uncle" Google and searched on Microsoft Developer Network without success :(

I hope you can help me

I tried the commandline function "rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 inffilepathandname.inf" without at least installing the driver (no old driver present)!