Archive: How to show Custom Page with some text for 15 s?

How to show Custom Page with some text for 15 s?
I would like to do an installer with custom page. On that custom page there will be some very important text - user must read this text, so I want to .
For example:
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES ; installing files
Page custom CreateMe CheckMe "" ; creating custom page
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH ; finishing installer
Function CreateMe
InstallOptions::initDialog /NOUNLOAD "$PLUGINSDIR\test.ini"
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Some text" "Some other text"

Function CheckMe

How to do that Custom Page will be shown, after installing files with "Next" button dissabled (on this custom page). After 15 seconds all buttons (back, next) must be enabled - user can click this button and finish installer

Is it also possible to show, on disabled "Next" button, counting down from 15 to 0 - that user could see progress to enable buttons.

If anybody knows how to do this, please help me. Thanks

similar subject discussed on that thread,

Perhaps someone else could think/show another more accurate way.

Originally posted by Red Wine
similar subject discussed on that thread,

Perhaps someone else could think/show another more accurate way.
Hmm, it is not what I am looking for...
Or I don't understand what that example do...
My custom page must be shown with some text, with disabled button "Next" - after 15 seconds this button must change its state to enabled.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that. Nothing is working...

You're missing the point, it's pretty similar, the point isn't the buttons, the point is that you need an external counter.
At least as far as I can get.